These Snacks Will Give You Glowing Skin

Want some healthy, tasty snacks that will keep you satisfied until the next meal time whilst delivering an extra boost to your skin? Then check out this list of great snack ideas, all of which offer essential skin benefits and the ability to deliver some serious glow. Whether you’re a committed snacker or simply need something to see you through till lunch, these recipes are just what you’re looking for.

Almond Stuffed Olives

You can buy these ready made in some good grocery stores, or you’ll need to buy blanched almonds and pitted halkidiki olives. Soak the almonds in olive oil for an hour, then pop an almond into each olive for a great quick snack. The olives and almonds contain vitamin E, an essential nutrient for skin, as well as plenty of protein and healthy fats to keep skin supple.

Berry Blast Smoothie

Eating a range of berries provides you with plenty of anti-oxidants, which are essential when it comes to repairing and caring for skin. They are also high in vitamins A and C, which are key when it comes to smoothing skin and delivering a youthful glow! Pop one cup of frozen or fresh berries into a blender, along with a cup of milk and a spoonful of nut butter. The resulting smoothie should taste great and work wonders for your skin!


Why not pop a hardboiled egg in your lunchbox before you head out the door each morning? Eggs are great sources of omega 3, which can help clear and smooth skin and ensure a healthy glow. They are also great sources of protein, as well as key vitamins including that glow-giving vitamin A, and some energy boosting B vitamins. A hardboiled egg is also a super easy, ready wrapped snack which can be enjoyed as and when you like!

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