Quitting Smoking? Here are 5 Healthy Alternatives to Help

If you’ve recently decided to ditch smoking, first, congrats! You’re doing something amazing for your body and soul, and it’s totally an act of self-love. That said, quitting can be awfully hard, and it’s often a bumpy ride. Luckily, there are plenty of cool things you can do instead. Check out these ideas to distract yourself and blow out steam (rather than smoke).

Get Moving

Nothing like sweating it out with some exercise. Whether it’s dancing to your favorite songs, going for a run, or hitting the basketball court, physical activity not only distracts you but also gives you a natural high.

Get Creative

Ever tried painting, drawing, or even making funny TikTok videos? Channel your frustration into something fun. It’s a great way to keep both your hands and your mind busy.

Hang Out with Friends

Surround yourself with the people you love. It doesn’t have to be anything major—you can binge-watch some Netflix show, go to the park, or just grab coffee and talk. Having friends around makes difficult changes more manageable.

Breathing Exercises

Quitting can be stressful, so why not try some deep-breathing exercises to relax? Close your eyes, breathe in for four counts, hold for four, then breathe out for four. Repeat until Zen.

Healthy Snacking

Keeping your mouth busy with healthy snacks is another good way to handle the lack of cigarettes. Things like crunchy veggies, nuts, or fruit are perfect candidates for the job.

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