3 Ways You Might be Damaging Your Hair Without Realizing

Even with the best intentions, you might be making mistakes that damage your hair. To help you upgrade your hair game, here are three things to keep in mind. 

Overlooking Scalp Health

The scalp is the foundation for healthy hair, yet it often remains neglected. A buildup of product residue, dead skin cells, or excess oils on the scalp can impede hair growth and lead to conditions like dandruff. So when you shower, make sure to gently cleanse the scalp with a mild shampoo.

Tight Hairstyles

While ponytails, braids, or tightly wound hairstyles look chic, they can exert stress on the hair shaft and roots, causing breakage. Pulling hair tightly into these styles regularly can weaken the hair follicles and damage the hair shaft. It’s not that you can never do it, just try not to do it every day. 

Hot Showers and Rough Drying

Hot showers might be relaxing, but the high water temperature can strip hair of its natural oils, leaving it dry and brittle. Additionally, rough towel-drying or vigorously rubbing wet hair can lead to damage and breakage. So when you shower, try to use lukewarm water for your hair and pat it gently with a microfiber towel to absorb excess water.

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