Should You Pursue a Software Engineering Career?

Software engineering has become one of the trendiest things in the world. It seems like so many people are leaving their jobs to learn how to code, and for good reason. Due to the fact that technology and AI are on the rise, the demand for coders is higher than ever, and continuing to grow as well. If you’re wondering whether or not you should learn how to code as well, here’s what you need to consider.

The Pros

There are many pros when it comes to working as a software engineer. The salaries are great, the workplaces are hip, fun, and exciting, and you may grow to love coding itself. Not to mention the fact that, as mentioned earlier, the demand is continuing to grow.

The Cons

However, it’s not all roses and daisies in the world of a software engineer. Actually learning how to code is rife with challenges, and it can often take years and years before a coder really gets comfortable with what they’re doing.

Is It Worth It?

When you weigh both the pros and the cons, it really just comes down to whether or not you’re willing to go through the struggle. If that’s the case, then you’ll have a bright future ahead of you in coding!

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