Everyday Struggles of Busty Women

Okay, so let’s be real. Growing up as a young girl in somewhat confused, somewhat angsty, and somewhat socially awkward pre-teen and teenage years, there was usually one wish shared by the majority of girls ages 12- 16. That wish was to develop a sizable bust. Whether it is because girls wanted to look more mature, appear more girly, or just wanted boys to notice them, many young girls dream of the day where large boobs will suddenly appear.

Now, after this magical transformation occurs, sometimes these girls realize that they may have wished for something that in the end, they don’t quite want. After girls have hit maturity between the ages of 18-21 or so, some of them are confronted with the complete opposite problem. Due to a variety of factors such as starting birth control, gaining weight in college, and eating food with different additives that have been proven to increase bust development, many women regret ever wishing for boobs in the first place.

As young adults, wearing trendy off the shoulder tops, cut out dresses, and anything tight is basically not an option for these young women, unless they want to try to wear a strapless bra, which to be quite honest, is a very brave attempt. Along with more limited fashion choices, having large breasts also make it extremely hard to exercise, let alone even find a supportive sports bra.

These cons, along with a nagging discomfort experienced throughout the day because of the two unwanted guests just hanging out on your body have caused many younger women to seek out breast reduction surgery than ever before. Having large breasts not only decreases your fashion choices, but it also increases pain in your back and a lack of ability to exercise to your full extent.

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