Creative Ways to Use Coffee Grounds Around the House

If you’re a coffee lover, you’re likely producing a fair amount of coffee grounds on a daily basis. Instead of tossing them into the trash, why not put them to good use? Coffee grounds are surprisingly versatile and can be repurposed in many creative and useful ways around your home. From gardening to cleaning and even personal care, here’s how you can turn your morning brew’s byproduct into a valuable resource.

Natural Fertilizer

Coffee grounds are rich in nitrogen, making them a fantastic addition to your garden soil. Sprinkle used coffee grounds around your plants to add nutrients back into the soil. They especially benefit acid-loving plants like azaleas, hydrangeas, and rhododendrons. 

Natural Deodorizer

Coffee grounds can absorb and eliminate odors due to their nitrogen content, which removes sulfur from the air. Place a bowl of dried coffee grounds in your refrigerator or freezer to neutralize odors from spoiled or fragrant foods. 

Exfoliating Skin Scrub

Coffee grounds are an excellent exfoliant and can be used to make a homemade skin scrub. Their texture helps to remove dead skin cells, leaving your skin smooth and rejuvenated. Mix coffee grounds with a bit of coconut oil or your favorite gentle cleanser and use it as a natural face or body scrub. 

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